Should You be Concerned about a Natural Disaster in 2022?

CORE Public Adjuster Should We Be Concerned for Natural Disasters in 2022

Many areas in Florida have seen colder-than-average temperatures this month, and you might be wondering about the chances of other weather-related surprises this year. Of course, a few cooler days in winter are gladly welcomed by many, but the thought of a year full of storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires can be unnerving, to say the least. Should you be concerned about a natural disaster in 2022?

Although no one can predict what the weather will bring months into the future, experts do rely upon research, patterns, and trends. Over the last 100 years, extreme weather events have become more common. In fact, one report showed that for the 1980 – 2020 time period, an average of seven events per year led to billion-dollar disasters. [1] However, for 2016 – 2020, an average of 16 events per year led to billion-dollar disasters. That is a substantial increase.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2020 was a “historic year of extremes.” [2] There were 22 separate billion-dollar natural disasters across the U.S. The 22 events cost a combined $95 billion in damages.

Considering the risk of being hit by a hurricane or tropical storm, Floridians should always keep in mind that the threat of a natural disaster is very real for at least half of the year. The hurricane season lasts for six months, from June 1 to November 30. During this time, property damage can occur from wind, storm surge and flooding. Winds can tear apart roof structures, uproot trees, blow out windows, and cause rain to enter your home. In the strongest hurricanes, storm surge can be as high as 25 feet above normal water levels. For those living along the coastline, the combination of rising water and strong waves is often destructive. [3]

Prepare Now for the 2022 Hurricane Season

The Florida Department of Emergency Management suggests preparing natural disaster action plans as far in advance of a hurricane as possible and having answers for the following questions:

  • How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?
  • What is my shelter plan?
  • What is my evacuation route?
  • What is my family/ household communication plan? [4]

Along with emergency action plans and management of worst-case scenarios, it is best to understand how your property is insured for natural disasters and where to go for help.

Experts at CORE Public Adjusters have designed a Complete Guide to Property Insurance to answer many of your questions about insuring for natural disasters. The guide includes helpful information on types of coverage, tips for buying a policy, important terminology, filing a claim, and more. The Complete Guide to Property Insurance is free.

Remember, you should have pictures, videos, and an inventory list of valuable items on file if you are to file a claim. Documenting valuables takes time and effort, so make sure it is on your “to do” list before we go into the hurricane season. It is best to be prepared ahead of time because no one knows the day or time when a damaging event might happen. Here is what you can do right now:

  1. Learn the three ways to track home inventory and get started tracking your interior contents.
  2. Review your insurance policy to recall what it covers and what it does not cover.
  3. Understand your next steps after a hurricane passes through.
  4. Know what to expect if you file an insurance claim on your own versus with a public adjuster.

If you would like to speak with an advisor about the next steps in property coverage or request a free inspection, contact CORE Public Adjusters today.



[1] U.S. Global Change Research Program. The Fourth National Climate Assessment.

[2] NOAA. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters

[3] Florida Climate Center

[4] Florida



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